You now have the opportunity to purchase school activities from your School's District's Online School Payments (OSP) site (if applicable).
Make Online School Payments here!
1. Locate your school from the categories on the left side of the page. Select any activities you wish to purchase by clicking on the activity name.
2. Click add to cart to add this activity to your shopping cart. Here you may Continue Shopping to add additional activities or press the Checkout button to complete the payment.
3. You will now be asked to login if a returning user or create an account if you are a new user.
4. Next you will be asked to assign a student to each activity in your cart. If your student has already been added to the system, select their name from the Select Student Profile list box. Otherwise, click on the Add Student Profile button to add a new student, enter their information and press the Save Changes button.
5. OSP returns the assign student screen where you can now select the student to assign the activity and press the Next button.
6. Next enter your address that will match the billing information you intend to use for payment and press the Next button to proceed.
7. Enter your card information and click the Review Order button. Review your order and click the Place Order button to submit your order. Once this transaction is complete, OSP displays a Thank You message with the Order Number for this transaction. A receipt is also sent to your email address and is always stored in your OSP account under the Your Account tab.