
The registration process for the 2025-2026 school year will begin on July 7th, 2025.

ONLY the parent or court appointed guardian can enroll a child and complete the school registration process. Registrations are only completed by appointment. Please call 443-809-5259 or contact our secretary online to create an appointment.

Amy Pullifrone: Registrar
[email protected]

*Please read this page in its entirety in order to fully understand enrollment requirements.*

Required Enrollment Forms

If applicable: Share Domicile Form

You may begin this process by creating an online parent account and upload the required registration and enrollment documents directly to a school via the Focus Parent Portal. Check your school zone here. If the student is new to the country or state, you must visit the Welcome Center first. Transportation Information can be located here.

The following information is required to enroll and register.

  • Sealed & Stamped Withdrawal Records from Previous School of Attendance: Opened withdrawal packets or emailed documents from parents will not be accepted.  Records will not be requested until Birth Certificate and Full Residency is provided.  Emails of records from parents including report cards or transcripts will not be accepted. If physical documents are opened prior to the arrival to the school, families will be requested to retrieve an additional packet from the previous school of attendance for submission, and registrations will not be processed until received. To expedite process, contact previous school and inform them of the transfer, and request a withdrawal packet including transcripts, any/all standardized test scores, birth certificate, immunizations, last report card, last progress report, and 504 Plan/IEP if applicable to be emailed to [email protected].

  • Birth Certificate (or Birth Document; passport or baptismal certificate) if not Provided in Withdrawal Packet

  • Proof of Parent Identity: A valid driver’s license with photograph, passport, motor vehicle administration identification, or other legal form of photographic identification.  If using MVA Driver’s License, address on card must match address on file for all other documents, Change of Address Card is OK.

  • Proof of Residency: All residency documents provided must contain original documents. Copies will not be permitted. 

  • Proof of Residency


    • One of the following items:
    • Deed or deed of trust that has all required signatures.
    • Title.
    • Mortgage coupon book.
    • Real estate tax bill or receipt.
      *If a home has just been purchased and no deed is available, proof of purchase may be submitted. Within 30 days of enrollment, the parent must submit a deed or a deed of trust with all required signatures.



  • *Original, current lease or rental agreement from a real estate management company or commercial lessor for a residential dwelling located in Baltimore County, along with all required signatures.
  • If you are leasing or renting from a private party owner, a lease or rental agreement established between yourself, and the private party owner must be provided. The private party owner must establish ownership as outlined in the guidelines for “Proof of Residency for a Homeowner”.
  • Three Proofs of Address: List below provides acceptable examples.

    • Federal or state income tax return for the tax year immediately preceding enrollment.
    • W-2 form for the current year.
    • A statement written on company letterhead from the parent’s employer which verifies the parent’s current address
    • Correspondence addressed to the parent(s) from an office of a federal, state, or local county governmental agency
    • Charge account/credit card billing statement.
    • Bank account statement.
    • Gas and electric bill.
    • Cable bill.
    • Voter’s registration card.
    • Motor vehicle administration vehicle registration.
    • Driver’s license, Maryland identification card, or age of majority card issued by the Maryland Motor vehicle Administration only when document has not been used for Proof of Parent Identity.
    • Change of address notification from the United States Postal Service.
    • Court documents.
    • Government-issued license and/or professional certificate.
    • First-class mail from a business or agency.
    • Health center mailing.
    • Mailing from a BCPS school or office. (May use two separate offices)\Paycheck/paystub stating name and address.
  • Originals of the three different documents from the following list must be submitted to verify parent name and address. If mail, an invoice, or a statement is used, the document must be dated within 60 calendar days of the date the documents are submitted for enrollment purposes. We will not accept, “About Me” print outs from online accounts, Junk Mail =No Date/Solicited, Personal Packages (Amazon, UPS, Fed Ex, etc.), multiple documents from the same source.

* All documents used to verify domicile under these sections must reflect the same address in Baltimore County.

If you and your child are living with a relative or friend, you must be approved for “shared domicile” enrollment through Parkville High School’s Residency Department at [email protected]. If your living arrangement is the result of loss of housing or other economic issue, please notify school personnel immediately so that we may assist with the enrollment process under the federal law, McKinney-Vento. Shared domicile arrangements must be renewed each school year. We appreciate your patience with this process. Only after the shared domicile process has been approved and signed by our Shared Domicile Department, may you contact the PHS Counseling Office to continue with your child’s enrollment.

*All non-resident students, agency placed, kinship care, and family hardship enrollments, must be processed by a Pupil Personnel Worker (Roxann Anderson, 443-809-6423), prior to enrollment in a Baltimore County school. If address changes at any time during the school year, please notify Ms. Anderson immediately.

A student who has fraudulently enrolled in a Baltimore County school will receive written notification from the principal of withdrawal in 10 days. Parents will be responsible for tuition for the time spent in a Baltimore County school.